It is known that agronavigation gives a qualitative increase in the efficiency of agricultural machinery use. Additional 10-15% of saved resources allow investing them into the improvement of the fleet of machinery, its technical re-equipment or expansion of areas under crops.
Let the inhabitants of your territorial community breathe a sigh of relief as you measure subject lands and create your own interactive single base. Let disappear the neighborhood wars
One of the vectors of precision farming is agricultural guidance or tractor gps system. It is with the installation of equipment for parallel control on tractors, combines and self-propelled machinery that the way to the use of precision farming technologies begins.
Посівна кампанія для будь-якого фермера - фундамент, що закладає успішність майбутнього врожаю. Огріхи, яких припустилися при посіві, у вигляді пропусків або перекриттів стануть видими вже буквально через 7-10 днів. Виправити помилки звичайно можна - але за це доведеться заплатити додаткову ціну і вона буде значною. Тому краще рішення не допускати їх зовсім.
Survey engineer is a prestigious and demanded profession in Ukraine. There are few good specialists in land management, and the queue for them can be scheduled for several weeks, or even months.
The task of measuring the area of any land plot has now actually been simplified to 2 steps.
The first is to find and install a special mobile application on Android or IOS.
The second is to go around the area along the perimeter with the smartphone and GPS/GNSS receiver and get the area and contours of the area in the installed program.
Geodetic measurements have long been the basics of many industries. They are especially relevant for construction, topography, geology, land management and agriculture. The main requirement for geodetic measurements is high accuracy. It is the accuracy that determines the requirements for the means, methods and equipment for geodetic work.
Land has always been a valuable resource and the basis of economic and domestic relations, and its distribution and accounting for their foundation. As never before, in Ukraine there is a need to carry out land management work after the transfer of land to the status of a commodity.
Both the autosteering and the autopilot will raise the overall level of automation of the agribusiness processes, so their purchase will definitely pay off. When choosing, one should rely on the tasks of the enterprise and its financial capabilities.
Most of the operations in the field are repeated cycle of movement from pass-to-pass, with u-turns at the end of the field. Such monotony, resulting in operator fatigue, makes it almost impossible to maintain constant accuracy in controlling the unit.
The Belarusian tractor MTZ is one of the most famous in Ukraine. Mentioning the MTZ tractor in a conversation, it is immediately associated by many farmers as a universal budgetary and reliable agricultural machine capable of performing most ordinary tillage operations. About 10% of all tractors in the world are manufactured under the MTZ brand.
In the geometer program, all measurements are displayed on Google maps and one touch turns into 3D view. In addition to standard maps, the set includes topographic, satellite, Open Street Map, and cadastral map.