Own GNSS RTK base station - independent operation without network correction fees
19.08.2022GNSS RTK technology - assumes the highest accuracy that can be achieved today with satellite positioning systems. Through RTK corrections, absolute precision is gained with RTK rovers reaching 1 cm or less in real-time.
Areas of use of RTK corrections:
- Geodesy
- Agriculture
- Horticulture
- Forestry
- Landscape design
- Construction
- Road Building
- Utilities
- Gas production and distribution
- Oil production and distribution
- Other industries where absolute and repeatable positioning accuracy is important.
What are the options for obtaining RTK corrections
In fact, there are 2 main methods of obtaining GNSS RTK corrections:
- From its own base station
- From a network of RTK correction providers
An own base station means independence from external correction suppliers. A station transmits corrections within a radius of 50 km or more. Two or more base stations can be networked to automatically connect to the nearest station when the rover RTK receiver moves.
Paid access to the base station network - rental of base stations networked together. There is no need to buy your own base station if you can purchase temporary access to get corrections. There are options for hourly corrections, daily, weekly, monthly, and annual packages.
Convenience of using your own RTK base station versus subscription to amendments
The first step in the question of buying your own GNSS RTK Base Station or "sitting on" network amendments is a simple calculation of the economic benefits of doing so in the medium term.
Let's look at a few examples.
Example 1 - the sphere of agriculture
Initial data. A farmer has a fleet of 12 tractors, 5 of which are equipped with autopilots requiring connection to RTK corrections.
The autopilot function is used mainly during seasonal works (sowing, inter-row tillage, spraying, harvesting). This period when using the autopilot selectively does not exceed three months per year.
Guided by the average price of network amendments for the agricultural sector, we calculate their annual cost for the farmer.
CC = N*C*T = 5*70*3 = $ 1050
where N - number of tractors with an autopilot that require RTK corrections;
C - the cost of 1 month of subscription to RTK corrections, if you pay for 3 months (if you pay monthly, the cost increases by 25%);
T - number of months of using the corrections.
The cost of own base RTK station GM PRO from the company Geometer is - $ 3000
The payback period with unchanged data will be 3000/1050 = 2.85 years.
Given that the lifetime of the base station is at least 10 years, it will be profitable for such a farmer to buy his base station.
With an increasing fleet of equipment, which will require RTK corrections, and given that the cost of network corrections is constantly increasing due to inflation, exchange rate changes, etc., the benefit of buying your base station becomes even more obvious. In addition, it should be taken into account that the range of the station is 50 km or more, which makes it possible to buy it in a warehouse with neighboring farms and makes the purchase cheaper.
In this example, we can conclude that the benefit of acquiring your own RTK base station increases exponentially if the RTK correction technique increases. First of all, these are medium and large farms with a significant fleet of equipment.
Example 2 - mining industry
Output data: Natural stone quarry. The structure has 3 excavators equipped with a precision positioning system with an RTK receiver and a surveyor who uses a surveying device with an RTK rover to measure mining volumes.
The quarry operates nine months of the year.
Focusing on the average price of network corrections for geodetic works, we calculate their annual cost for the quarry.
CC = N*C*T = (3+1)*46*9 = $ 1656
where N - number of devices requiring RTK corrections;
C - the cost of 1 month of subscription to geodetic RTK corrections, if you pay for 9 months (if you pay monthly, the cost increases by 25%);
T - number of months of using the corrections.
The cost of own base station the example of GM PRO from the company Geometer is - $ 3000
The payback period with unchanged data will be 3000/1656 = 1,81 years.
As we see in the example of using our own base RTK for the needs of the producing quarry own station will pay for itself in less than 2 years, and is more profitable than working from network corrections.
Example 3 - Forestry
The marking of clear-cuts and new plantations is an ongoing process to maintain the forest balance in each forestry unit. The use of optical instruments in forestry is now mostly left only in areas where there are problems with Internet access, otherwise, with accurate RTK instruments, these works become more convenient and efficient.
For example, let's take small forestry, where the measurement work is done for 7 months by 3 foresters, who works with GNSS RTK rover.
Guided by the average price of network corrections for geodetic works, we calculate their annual cost for forestry.
CC = N*C*T = 3*46*7 = $ 966
where N - number of devices requiring RTK corrections;
C - the cost of 1 month of subscription to geodetic RTK corrections, if you pay for 7 months (if you pay monthly, the cost increases by 25%);
T - number of months of using the corrections.
The cost of own base station the example of GM PRO from the company Geometer is - $ 3000
The payback period with unchanged data will be 3000/966=3,1 years.
As we can see in these conditions, using your base station is more profitable than purchasing corrections. Also, the forestry can set up a station on the border between them and use corrections from a single station that covers an area within a radius of 50 km or more. Thus, the capital investment for the purchase can be significantly reduced through the distribution among surrounding forest districts, or, for example, farmers working in the area covered by this base station.
For other applications, these example calculations will also be relevant and will help to determine how profitable it will be to use your own RTK base. In general, we can conclude that this solution is best suited for medium to large enterprises with a high intensity of RTK devices. As well as when purchasing the station by several farms falling within its coverage area.
How to install GNSS RTK base station by yourself
The installation process itself is not much different from the installation of any type of signal transmitters or antennas but requires following a few important rules.
- Selection of installation site. For installation, choose mainly places that are at a certain height and with minimum access for people there. First of all, these are roofs of buildings or concrete or brick towers that do not have vibrations. There should be no devices that can create electromagnetic vibrations and interference, such as satellite dishes, electrical wires, high-voltage transmission lines, etc., near the place of installation.
- Fixing the base station. To do this, use a stand of metal, better if it will be corrosion-resistant or galvanic-coated. The rack is fixed to the surface with anchor bolts. It is desirable that the base for fixing act concrete or metal. A lightning rod must be present near the month of installation if the station will be in an open area.
- Power supply. An uninterrupted power station is one of the main indicators of its reliability. It is possible to organize a backup power supply, for example, using a battery. For example, the base station GM PRO from Geometer has a built-in battery, which can keep the station in autonomous mode for up to 30 hours.
- Providing stable access to the Internet. One more point, which is not less important than the power supply. The station should have stable access to GSM (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) network or via cable.
- Binding of coordinates. The accuracy of the base station corrections depends on the stability of its location, which is initially set during its installation. Check the coordinates is usually made once a year to confirm the accuracy.
If you're not sure you can install the base station yourself, it's better to use the services of a contractor who specializes in this.
In addition, several network amendment providers have programs that allow you to connect your base station to their network, which offers several advantages, such as the use of server network monitoring of the station, free maintenance, and more. By taking advantage of this service, you can reduce the number of operating costs for its maintenance.
Multi-frequency GNSS RTK base station L1, L2, L5.
Real-time GNSS (RTK) network package for a year (12 months). Includes functions from a single base station - "nearest" and network solutions - Automax, I-Max, VRS.
The Agro RTK package includes connection to the GNSS base station network for one year. Provides the ability to connect agricultural machinery to the RTK signal of the network of base stations.