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Autopilot for MTZ tractor. The impossible became possible

Table of contents
  1. How to improve the efficiency of using MTZ tractors?
  2. Why not every autopilot on a tractor is suitable for MTZ?
  3. Which autopilot is suitable for the MTZ tractor?
  4. What makes the FJ Dynamics autopilot system different from others?
  5. Where to buy the FJ Dynamics autopilot system for a tractor?

autosterring and autopilot for MTZ tractor

The Belarusian tractor MTZ is one of the most famous in Ukraine. Mentioning the MTZ tractor in a conversation, it is immediately associated by many farmers as a universal budgetary and reliable agricultural machine capable of performing most ordinary tillage operations. About 10% of all tractors in the world are manufactured under the MTZ brand.

The modern model range of tractors Belarus, with different power classes, easily copes with plowing, cultivation, spraying, sowing and transportation.

The most common series of MTZ tractors are:

  • MTZ-320 - the next after motoblocks in terms of traction power. Compact MTZ 320.4, 320.4M and 320.5 are supplied with closed all-weather cabs;
  • MTZ-422 - two main modifications MTZ 422 and MTZ 422.1 comply with the high environmental standard Euro-3A. Used by farmers and public utilities;
  • MTZ-550 - a group of tractors with Belarusian engines;
  • BELARUS-622 - produced with adaptation for export, often used in municipal services, is also in demand among farmers;
  • MTZ-80.1 is the largest and most popular subgroup among farmers. Consists of 21 tractor models with traction class up to 1.4;
  • BELARUS-921 - a tractor with a diesel engine and a cabin of increased comfort;
  • BELARUS-1025 - tractors with a power of up to 110 fps, designed for use in agriculture;
  • MTZ 1221 - a universal tractor for agriculture, communal services and construction;
  • MTZ-1523 - wheeled tractors for aggregation with large wide-cut units, for example, with large balers or trailed harvesters;
  • MTZ-2022 - a powerful tractor with increased comfort for the operator;
  • BELARUS-3022DV - used for large agricultural enterprises, as a powerful analogue of well-known brands with high traction;
  • MTZ-3522 - the model can work simultaneously with combined front and rear wide-cut units;
  • MTZ-4522 is a tractor of the 8th traction class with an engine with a capacity of 466 h/p. It is produced in limited quantities for export, due to a small need.

Despite the large selection of different models, the budget segment of MTZ tractors does not reach the famous brands in terms of automation of the control process, completeness of control over the operation of mounted or trailed equipment, use with precision farming systems, etc.

How to improve the efficiency of using MTZ tractors?

It is possible to improve the automation of control of the tractor Belarus using additional equipment - a guidance system for a tractor or an autopilot with an automatic steering system. This can generally increase work efficiency by up to 30-40%.

The agronavigator on the MTZ tractor is usually easy to install and is suitable for the entire model range. However, when installing some devices, nuances may arise. We advise you to choose from those agricultural navigation manufacturers that really offer reliable and proven solutions, such as agricultural guidance system geotrack explorer from Geometer. It does not require re-equipment of the tractor or special skills for its installation and adjustment.

As for the autopilot system, here it becomes necessary to partially re-equip the tractor.

Why not every autopilot on a tractor is suitable for MTZ?

It should be noted that not all autopilot and automatic steering systems can be installed on MTZ tractors. The autopilot for the MTZ tractor must allow it to be re-equipped and be compatible with the steering system.

All modern autosteering systems for a tractor are divided into hydraulic and electric.

Tampering with factory equipment is risky, especially when it comes to critical systems, such as the tractor's hydraulic system responsible for raising and lowering implements, steering, etc. Based on this, installing a hydraulic autopilot on an MTZ tractor is not the best solution, and taking into account how many MTZ series are produced and each of them has its own design features, the task of selecting a suitable autopilot for MTZ turns into a real challenge.
The second disadvantage is the price of a hydraulic autopilot, which is higher than an electric one, and there is no sense for installing it on a budget tractor is often not justified.

Which autopilot is suitable for the MTZ tractor?

If you select specifically for your model, then there are several manufacturers on the market from which you can buy both hydraulic and electric autopilot for a tractor. If you don’t want to understand the features of each system yourself and spend time selecting it, but you need one that you installed and it works clearly and smoothly, we recommend that you “look” towards universal solutions, for example, the FJ Dynamics Autosteering Kit. Це одна з небагатьох електричних систем автоматичного підрулювання, яка однаково добре працює і встановлюється на всі серії МТЗ, навіть старих моделей. Крім того, вона працює з комбайнами і самохідними обприскувачами, що дозволяє повністю вирішити завдання обладнання автопілотами всього парку техніки агропідприємства.

What makes the FJ Dynamics autopilot system different from others?

The developer of the solution is an innovative Chinese company specializing in the development of automation systems for self-propelled agricultural and construction equipment. Its solutions use the latest developments in artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Thanks to this combination, devices from FJ Dynamics have features that not even every well-known brand has. Moreover, almost all of them are already included in the basic delivery and do not require additional payment. This also explains the popularity of this system in other countries.

The developers have "laid" a torque of 30 Nm into the electric drive, which is 100% enough for the "sensitive" operation of the steering wheel of any machinery. And a pair of GNSS antennas allows you to work with an accuracy of up to 2.5 cm. Optionally, you can equip the tractor with a special camera with artificial intelligence or a Wi-Fi camera that provides a circular view of the unit. This makes the device one of the most functional and versatile.

Well, and most importantly, the price of an FJ Dynamics autopilot for a tractor is at least 50% lower than its analogues, which, of course, is a big plus in terms of installing budget series such as MTZ on tractors.

Where to buy the FJ Dynamics autopilot system for a tractor?

FJ Dynamics autopilots are sold through a network of professional distributors authorized by the manufacturer.

The Geometer company is one of them and provides a service for free delivery, installation and configuration of this device throughout Ukraine.

To contact the managers, use the contact information on our website or make a request through the cart.

( 27 )
( 42 )
289 000,00
233 750,00

A complete set of automatic steering system, which could be installed on agricultural machinery of any manufacturer. Excellent equipment, which has everything you need. The brand and model of the tractor does not matter, because the kit has everything you need to install on any agricultural machinery. Accuracy of 2.5 cm when working from a base station, or from any RTK CORS provider.

Agricultural guidance system geotrack explorer PLUS is a new development by Geometer company, which provides 15 cm of accuracy from pass-to-pass, and the ability to connect to RTK and obtain an accuracy of 1-3 cm

Agricultural guidance system geotrack Lite RTK L1/L2 is based on Samsung's 8.7-inch display with LTE, geotrack software and dual-frequency GM SMART receiver L1/L2. This is a low-cost agricultural guidance system with RTK that works with an accuracy of up to 2.5 cm. To get centimeter accuracy, you need RTK corrections or your own base station.

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