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Electric or hydraulic autopilot on a tractor. What to choose?

Table of contents
  1. How to solve the issue of increasing the productivity of a tractor or combine and "unload" the operator?
  2. Which autopilot system is right for my machinery?
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of electric and hydraulic autopilot for agricultural machinery
  4. Which models of autopilots for agricultural machinery are the most popular?

Гідравлічний чи електричний автопілот на трактор

Most of the operations in the field are repeated cycle of movement from pass-to-pass, with u-turns at the end of the field. Such monotony, resulting in operator fatigue, makes it almost impossible to maintain constant accuracy in controlling the unit. By the end of the shift, productivity drops by 30-40%, so there is no question of increasing output, which the farmer is striving for.

How to solve the issue of increasing the productivity of a tractor or combine and "unload" the operator?

This requires automation of the machine control process and reduction of manual control. Known solutions include the use of automatic steering systems and autopilots.
The principle of operation of an autopilot for a tractor, combine or other self-propelled agricultural machine is to automatically control the steering using hydraulic or electric drive, based on signals received from a control station connected to a GNSS or RTK receiver. The operator can only turn on or turn off the autopilot at the right time, when you need to take control into your own hands.
The practice of using autopilot systems on tractors, combines and self-propelled agricultural machines has shown that output increases by 30-40% due to the accuracy of passing rows and reducing operator fatigue. In addition, the autopilot system allows you to work at night and in poor visibility conditions, save on fuel, seeds, herbicides and other consumables.

Which autopilot system is right for my machinery?

If without details, then all autopilots for agricultural machinery can be divided into 2 types:

  • electric steering wheel drive;
  • hydraulic steering wheel drive.

If you "dig" a little deeper, then you should also consider the accuracy that the system can provide. It depends on GNSS antenna systems that can operate on a free signal or paid RTK corrections. In the first case, you can save on the subscription fee of RTK stations, but it is only suitable for working with wide-cut implements where greater accuracy is not needed, for example, spreading fertilizers or spraying. If you use equipment for sowing or inter-row cultivation, then you can’t do without an RTK antenna. In this case, you still need to additionally purchase an access to GNSS network corrections. Geometer offers a flexible choice of GNSS correction subscription packages.
If everything is relatively clear with accuracy, then the question of which drive to choose for the autopilot - hydraulic or electric, raises a lot of questions.
First, let's look at the fundamental differences between these two systems.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric and hydraulic autopilot for agricultural machinery

The principle of operation of the electric autopilot is to install on the steering shaft, an electric steering wheel, which is connected to the controller and receives signals to turn at a certain angle using an electric motor.

Advantages of electric autopilot:

  • ease of installation with the ability to rearrange to other equipment;
  • reliability, due to a minimum of connections;
  • autonomy - the electric drive does not directly depend on the load on other tractor systems;
  • fast system response;
  • universality - it can be installed on any type of self-propelled agricultural machinery;
  • low price;
  • high torque, depending on the power of the drive motor specified by the manufacturer;
  • minimal maintenance.

As disadvantages, it should be noted the need to remove the old steering wheel and replace it with the one that comes with the drive.

Advantages of hydraulic autopilot:

  • good "sensitivity" of the system, there is no effect of steering shaft wear out on control accuracy;
  • does not require replacement of the steering wheel, the system is integrated directly to the hydraulics of the steering system.

Among the disadvantages of the hydraulic autopilot, its increased cost, complete dependence on the hydraulic system of the machine, installation on the frame, which entails the risk of damage during operation, high maintenance and repair costs, and incompatibility with some tractor models, especially outdated models, stand out. The power of the torque depends on the power of the hydraulic system of agricultural machinery and may drop; when aggregated with agricultural machines that also operate on hydraulics, the tractor's hydraulic system is more likely to fail.

Which models of autopilots for agricultural machinery are the most popular?

Almost every well-known manufacturer of GPS navigation has its own automatic control systems: Trimble, Leica, Teejet, Raven and others. In addition, some well-known manufacturers of automatic equipment produce their own autopilot systems, such as John Deere, Claas and others. All of them are distinguished either by high cost or adaptability to certain models of equipment.For those who are looking for an inexpensive but high-quality solution, it is worth taking a look at the newcomer to the market - the innovative Chinese company FJ Dynamics, which produces its electrical autopilot system for agricultural machinery, as well as equipment for controlling complex construction equipment.
They attract with their affordable price, versatility of installation on any equipment and functions that not all well-known brands have. Since 2020, this autopilot has already been installed in more than 30 countries around the world and continues to "conquer" farmers around the world.

( 8 )
( 42 )
289 000,00
233 750,00

A complete set of automatic steering system, which could be installed on agricultural machinery of any manufacturer. Excellent equipment, which has everything you need. The brand and model of the tractor does not matter, because the kit has everything you need to install on any agricultural machinery. Accuracy of 2.5 cm when working from a base station, or from any RTK CORS provider.

Agricultural guidance system geotrack Lite RTK L1/L2 is based on Samsung's 8.7-inch display with LTE, geotrack software and dual-frequency GM SMART receiver L1/L2. This is a low-cost agricultural guidance system with RTK that works with an accuracy of up to 2.5 cm. To get centimeter accuracy, you need RTK corrections or your own base station.

Agricultural guidance system geotrack explorer PLUS is a new development by Geometer company, which provides 15 cm of accuracy from pass-to-pass, and the ability to connect to RTK and obtain an accuracy of 1-3 cm

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