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Solving and preventing land conflicts


It still happens that the real boundaries between the neighbors' plots exist purely in the technical documentation, and the measurements on the site itself have never been carried out. Sometimes one neighbor may have time to conclude a State Act on the right of private ownership of land, and other landowners have not yet had time to properly document. This leads to protracted conflicts. It is common for one of the parties to take over part of a neighbor's farmland while cultivating the land.

What to do?

1. If the conflict is not resolved, and the offense continues, you must apply to the local government and executive authorities on land resources, to obtain their conclusions on the violation. You can then go to court;

2. To avoid conflicts, it is necessary to establish boundary markers on the borders of the land plot. It is possible to establish border lines of a site and independently. Keep in mind that the site does not always have the correct geometric shape and determine the boundaries on the ground will be very difficult.

The GeoMeter device with an external receiver will help you with this, which will determine the boundaries of the plots and the area at the required coordinates with reliable accuracy.

But remember the law: landowners are required to draw boundaries between land plots with the knowledge of the other party and with the written permission of the local government.

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